Riprendiamo dopo la pausa estiva con un nuovo ma importante argomento che riguarda chiunque lavori in team. Nicole infatti ci parlerà di come gestire l’ansia sul lavoro.
Il talk si terrà in inglese.
L’evento si terrà il 20 settembre 2019 ed inizierà alle ore 19.00. Saremo ospiti dei nostri amici di Yalp.
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It is difficult to face people’s judgment. Coping with self-criticism is even more so. Sometimes you feel paralyzed by the amount of things that can go wrong: you stay still staring at the screen, sweating and hoping that your colleague does not notice that you are not working, while a voice in your head repeats to you that you will never make it and it is useless to even try.
That’s not how you imagined your day at work, did you? How can you escape the oppressive feelings of fear and anxiety? How can you see if someone working with you is in trouble and how can you help him?
There are many ways to manage anxiety, and some can really be a turning point in our working life: let’s find out what they are and see if they really work!
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Nicole Bartolini, Twitter Website
Marketing Communication Manager, IT Consultant, and Community Manager in Forlì-Cesena, Italia
Yalp snc
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