Per il talk di Novembre Giorgio ci parlerà di Micro-frontend.
L’evento si terrà il 23 Novembre 2022 ed inizierà alle ore 19.00. Saremo ospiti del Palazzo della Luca in Via San Nicolò 42, 31100, Treviso.
I biglietti per partecipare sono già disponibili su EventBrite.
Microservices nowadays is a well known concept and maybe you are using it in your current company. Do you know that now you can apply similar ideas in the Frontend? Today we already divide the Frontend into several components at development time, but at compile time these components are merged into one monolithic Frontend and this is where this new architecture comes into play. In this talk we will understand the reasons behind micro-frontends and we will also explore one of the most interesting ways of applying them using Module Federation and Svelte
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Palazzo Della Luce
Via San Nicolò 42, 31100, Treviso